
  • For those passionate about fishing, this tour provides a unique experience unlike anything you’d find back home.

Tour Description: 
Fishing in the mighty Zambezi is best known because of the great freshwater game fish – The Tigerfish, and as a result the Zambezi River has become the number one destination for avid fresh water anglers. Powerful, swift predators Tigerfish are a thrill to catch and require a great deal of fishing skill with a good river specimen weighing over 15 lbs.

Bream, or Tilapia, also live in large numbers in the river and although they don’t fight quite as aggressively as the Tiger, a good 5 lb fish will quickly snap light tackle given half the chance. Spinners and lures are the most common method of catching these fish although using light tackle, a fly and a fly-rod is becoming very popular and brings an extra dimension to a very exciting sport.

What’s included:

  • Tea and Coffee
  • Soft drinks
  • Beer
  • Fishing tackle

This excursion can be taken on the following holiday extensions:

Victoria Falls tour

Victoria Falls and Chobe National Park tour